1. Use a smaller plates – we tend to want to finish what is on our plates and so buying smaller plates means a smaller portion, by doing this you may find it easier to gradually reduce your portion size.
2. Eat slowly – It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain its full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.
3. Don’t ban foods – Most diets will tell you to stop eating certain things, do not do this as you will only get more cravings later, instead reduce the amount over time rather than stop straight away, like a drug addict you will reduce the cravings for the sugars and additives in the processed foods, at a point you will just not want them. However remember there is no reason you can not have a treat occasionally.
4. Don’t stock junk food – To avoid temptation do not have junk food in the cupboard, instead if you crave something walk to the shop and buy it, you will find this helps stop the craving as we tend to be lazy, so we would rather go without than walk 10 minutes to the shop. Try to keep healthy alternatives in easy reach.
5. Cut down on alcohol – Alcohol contains are empty calories and are not useful for your body and can in fact hinder size loss.

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