1. Digestive System
Provides a gentle massage of the digestive organs, which is more beneficial than the usual violent and energetic exercises more commonly practiced. This is because it does not deprive the system of the normal supply of blood which would otherwise be diverted muscles during more vigorous exercise.
The stretching movements help strengthen the abdominal organs as well as maing them more elastic.
The focus on improved breathing increases the flow of blood to the organs as well as ensuring the blood is enriched in terms of oxygen capacity.
Helps keep the various organs in their respective places.
2. Respiratory system
Increases lung capacity making them stronger and more elastic.
Ensures proper supply of oxygen and decarbonisation.
Certain exercises involve the stretching of the front abdominal muscles and contraction of the back abdominal muscles. Accompanied with deep breathing this forces the air into every cell of the lungs and opens them, removing the possibility of infection.
3. Circulatory system
Healthy functioning of the heart can be achieved through certain exercises which raises the diaphragm high into the thoracic cavity and provides a massage the ever working heart, by alternatively subjecting it to an increase and decrease in pressure and thus helps to make the heart muscles healthier and stronger.
Qigong exercises involve stretching, contraction and relaxation, which provides pumping action and improves blood circulation in every part of the body.
Certain postures will divert the circulation of blood to specific parts of the body thus providing additional blood to those parts.
Some exercises invert the body which helps the veins to unload impure blood into the heart without any exertion, thus gives it a rest.
4. Nervous system
Qigong postures ensure all possible movement of the spine (forward, backward, sideways, twisting rotation, stretching and compression), which are otherwise not performed in routine life. This ensures good health by natural adjustment of the vertebrae.
Qigong postures relieves pressure on the spinal nerves and aids circulation.
Qigong exercises involving diaphragmatic movement helps to promote the health of the spinal cord and sympathetic cords.
The body is made up of large numbers of cells which work in co-ordination. Each tissue in the body has its nerve connection. Efficient working of various parts depends on healthy functioning of nerve connections. Qigong exercises help to activate the nervous system and strengthens it.
5. Endocrine system
Qigong helps to regulate the glands, which improves functioning of all the organs.
Postures in which the body is turned upside down provides an excellent exercise for all the glands, especially Thyroid, Pineal, Pituitary, glands. Such postures also provide a richer blood supply to brain, hence ensures its health and also the health of cranial nerves (supplying different sense organs).
Qigong exercises involving diaphragmatic movements and stretching and compression of abdominal organs ensures healthy working of Adrenal gland, testes, and ovaries etc.
Qigong exercises along with rhythmic breathing are beneficial in providing a soothing effect to nerves of the brain and removing mental tension.
6. Skeletal system
Qigong exercises provide an excellent exercise to the spine. Since small nerves emerging from the spinal column are connected to different body parts, a healthy spine ensures proper functioning of these nerve connections and hence the organs.
Constant lack of motion leads to improper functioning and degeneration of joints. Qigong exercises make all the joints flexible and strengthen them.
7. Muscular system
There are different Qigong exercises to tone up the muscles of the entire body and make them supple, strong and efficient.
Qigong aims at providing total health rather than exercising the outer parts like arms and legs. Qigong strengthens the supporting muscles of the spine which holds the body together in a natural position. Qigong also ensures proper working of muscles, tendons and ligaments that produce body movements. This way Qigong provides sufficient muscular strength to perform day to day functions.
During Qigong exercises plenty of oxygen rich blood is rhythmically pumped into muscles and organs and they do not tire because rate of metabolism is appropriately co-ordinated. Qigong provides exercise to both voluntary and involuntary muscles.
8. Immune and Lymphatic system
Qigong ensures proper functioning of parts (Lymph nodes, glands, spleen etc.) of the immune system. Certain exercises increase the white blood corpuscles produced in the spleen, tonsils, marrow and in other parts of the body. This strengthens the body and prevents diseases from getting a foot hold into your body.
Qigong exercises aid in the flow of Lymph’s thus strengthening the tissues.
9. Urinary (Excretory) system
Qigong activates excretory organs (e.g. kidneys, Uterus, etc.) and thus helps the body to get rid of toxins.
10. Reproductive system
Qigong regulates the production of hormones.
Qigong makes the reproductive organs healthy and strong.
11. Integumentary system
Qigong ensures circulation of oxygen rich blood in the skin, maintaining its elasticity, keeping the wrinkles away. It makes the skin glow.
Qigong improves the functioning of the skin by throwing away the toxins through sweat and thus removing all the possibilities of skin disease.
Qigong not only provides control on all the systems but allows you to control you mind and emotions.